Happy lunar new year! last night we experienced a powerful new moon in Aquarius propelling us into a fresh lunar new year 🧧of the pig according to Chinese astrology! And how awesome it is to have another fresh start ️ we’ll take it anyone else feel the same?! We’re so grateful to have the opportunity to reassess our goals and priorities since 2019 began. In the middle of winter it can be a little harder to keep the fire going and stay on track. So let’s begin again and use this powerful energy of the new lunar cycle to catalyze our growth. Let’s breathe a little deeper and make it another fresh sparkly clean start we ritualized it with a juice cleanse, an extra long meditation session, a little (pre)spring cleaning and de-cluttering and and some journalling! What ways have you been shining since 2019 began? And how can you get even closer to the best version of yourself? tell us!

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This is an image from our Instagram feed.

Happy lunar new year!  last night we experienced a powerful new moon in Aquarius propelling us into a fresh lunar new year 🧧of the pig according to Chinese astrology! And how awesome it is to have another fresh start ️ we’ll take it  anyone else feel the same?! We’re so grateful to have the opportunity to reassess our goals and priorities since 2019 began. In the middle of winter it can be a little harder to keep the fire going and stay on track. So let’s begin again and use this powerful energy of the new lunar cycle to catalyze our growth. Let’s breathe a little deeper and make it another fresh sparkly clean start  we ritualized it with a juice cleanse, an extra long meditation session, a little (pre)spring cleaning and de-cluttering and and some journalling! What ways have you been shining since 2019 began? And how can you get even closer to the best version of yourself?  tell us!