Winter solstice healing cacao ceremony for bright new beginnings ️ -1 tbsp love.immunity1 tbsp @lairdsuperfood original creamer6-8oz hot water1/4 tsp maca powder1/4 tsp mesquite powderDash of cinnamonblend/whisk together. sip slowly. -Ritual🕯 face the sunshine or even just light some candles 🕯say thank you to the light for rising back up in the darkness of winter 🕯set your intentions for all you want to manifest in the next year 🕯do one thing today to get you closer to your goals! #happywintersolstice

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Winter solstice healing cacao ceremony for bright new beginnings ️ -1 tbsp love.immunity1 tbsp @lairdsuperfood original creamer6-8oz hot water1/4 tsp maca powder1/4 tsp mesquite powderDash of cinnamonblend/whisk together. sip slowly. -Ritual🕯 face the sunshine or even just light some candles 🕯say thank you to the light for rising back up in the darkness of winter 🕯set your intentions for all you want to manifest in the next year 🕯do one thing today to get you closer to your goals!  #happywintersolstice