5 Tips to Find Lightness in Kapha Season

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body, Love Your Mind

Sometimes the transition from winter doesn’t leave us feeling as light and sweet as springtime should. We can feel darker and heavier, physically and energetically. This is KAPHA season. Kapha season in Ayurveda runs from late winter into spring. Ayurveda is India’s traditional, holistic ‘life science’ that teaches how to balance the three ‘doshas’, (vata, pitta, kapha), that form our …

Easy Ways to Bring Yoga Into Your Every Day Life

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body, Love Your Mind

When it comes to workout routines, we’re all about rocking a sweet crow pose on a tranquil mountaintop, but the truth is: most of us find it challenging just to fit in a quick stretch between work/friends/family/Netflix. So much of our journey is about finding balance between our day-to-day responsibilities and a #healthylifestlye. How? At Love Grace, we bring our …

Meditate Your Way To A Healthier Life

Love Grace Health, Love Your Mind, Love Your Soul

Take yourself to a quiet room and find a comfortable cross-legged seat. Now, close your eyes and escape to the most serene place your thoughts can imagine – for us it’s relaxing on a sandy beach at sunset or practicing tree pose on a quiet mountaintop – and start to take a few deep inhalations and exhalations. Sounds relaxing, right? …