Your New Favorite Health-Tea.

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

We know the struggle. Drinking tea is not something that appeals to everyone, no matter the health benefits. A creamy vanilla latte or a turmeric-pumpkin-spiced tonic seem much more appealing choices to start the day – even over healing morning lemon tonic sometimes  – so we often find ourselves having to compromise maximum nutrition to satisfy our taste buds. But …

Should You Eat for Your Blood Type?

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body, Love Your Mind

We know by now that fad diets are not sustainable or good for us. But let’s go deeper. Could eating for your blood type be a healthy thing to do? The admirable thing about eating for your blood type is that it recognizes that not every body is created equal. Ancient medical systems like Ayurveda, Tibetan Medicine and Traditional Chinese …

5 Reasons Sugarcane is Guilt-Free and Good for You

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

Is all sugar created the same? Is sugar really the enemy? Let’s rephrase that – could it be possible that natural, organic plants from the earth are the enemy? We know it has a bad reputation – but maybe we need to be more specific when we talk about ‘sugar’. There’s a reason processed sugar has been labeled the enemy …

6 Reasons to Drink Hot Tea in Summer

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

Ever visited an eastern country and noticed the locals drinking hot tea, even on boiling summer days? It looks crazy to us. But to someone who understands the human body from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, westerners are committing the most ridiculous crime of them all: drinking iced drinks. Ok, so here’s why. The stomach is a ‘yang’ organ, …

Does Yoga Make You a Good Person?

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body, Love Your Mind, Love Your Soul

We LOVE yoga don’t get us wrong. We’re always interested in how deep we can go so we open up the question… Can yoga serve a purpose beyond tight abs and stress relief? Yoga has become a bit of a pop culture fad, and we see it increasingly being pulled away from its ancient vedic roots. We often associate yoga with just …