Your New Favorite Health-Tea.

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

We know the struggle. Drinking tea is not something that appeals to everyone, no matter the health benefits. A creamy vanilla latte or a turmeric-pumpkin-spiced tonic seem much more appealing choices to start the day – even over healing morning lemon tonic sometimes  – so we often find ourselves having to compromise maximum nutrition to satisfy our taste buds. But …

Detox Hack to Get the Most From Juicing: Gelatinous Fibers.

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

Ever wonder why we recommend smoothies as part of a juice cleansing detox program? Let’s think of detoxifying as a whole body process. Every ingredient you consume as part of cleanse expels toxins from a certain organ or body system. Many of us experience a flatter tummy within a day or two of the juice cleanse – but let’s go …

Should You Eat for Your Blood Type?

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body, Love Your Mind

We know by now that fad diets are not sustainable or good for us. But let’s go deeper. Could eating for your blood type be a healthy thing to do? The admirable thing about eating for your blood type is that it recognizes that not every body is created equal. Ancient medical systems like Ayurveda, Tibetan Medicine and Traditional Chinese …

The Only Strawberry Lemonade You Need in Your Life

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

  Summer calls for strawberries. Most strawberry smoothies out there are loaded with milks, sugars and unnecessary stuff. We like to keep things pure and simple, and organic. With long summer nights and busy days, we all need an immunity boost this time of year. This is the perfect vitamin C rich recipe loaded with citrus and antioxidants. The secret …

The Anti – Pollution Diet.

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body, Love Your Mind

Any city dweller will know that pollution can have some nasty effects, even in the short run. Breakouts, coughs, thyroid issues… and it’s even more damaging in the long run. There are a lot of nasty things in our air that can cause cellular damage in our bodies by forming free radicals. Pollutants and radiation destroy the essential nutrients, making …

5 Reasons Sugarcane is Guilt-Free and Good for You

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

Is all sugar created the same? Is sugar really the enemy? Let’s rephrase that – could it be possible that natural, organic plants from the earth are the enemy? We know it has a bad reputation – but maybe we need to be more specific when we talk about ‘sugar’. There’s a reason processed sugar has been labeled the enemy …

Summer Health Tips You Need to Know From Chinese Medicine

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body, Love Your Mind, Love Your Soul

  Nature teaches us about unity, working together, and flow. Natural healing systems from the east use nature as a tool for observation and assessment of the human body. When a natural energy is leading us one way, we want to follow it. To work with it, flow with it and not to obstruct it. This goes for every cycle …

Are you conventional? Why your juice needs to be unconventional too.

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body, Love Your Mind

We get it – juice can be expensive, and many people down a whole bottle in less than a minute. So why pay so much for a drink that you think is barely going to fill you? May as well just get it not organic if it’s cheaper, right? We believe if you are going to juice, do it right. You …

6 Reasons to Drink Hot Tea in Summer

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

Ever visited an eastern country and noticed the locals drinking hot tea, even on boiling summer days? It looks crazy to us. But to someone who understands the human body from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, westerners are committing the most ridiculous crime of them all: drinking iced drinks. Ok, so here’s why. The stomach is a ‘yang’ organ, …

How to do a Spring Liver Detox, the Right Way: Part 6

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

The Liver Bomb. Since the Liver is the body’s detoxification factory, we want to keep it moving. This can happen when we’ve overloaded it with toxins or simply with too much food. The best recipe for Liver congestion and stagnation is pungent and stimulating to get things moving smoothly again! And it’s the easiest recipe yet, but not for the …

How to do a Spring Liver Detox, the Right Way: Part 3

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

If you’re ready to eat your way to a healthy liver, join us on this next step of the Spring Detox Series. The Dandelion cure. In Chinese Medicine, the liver is said to vibe with bitter flavored herbs. That said, it really vibes with dandelion. Dandelion is a celebrity amongst medicinal plants. I dare you to find a detoxification formula or liver cleansing …

How to do a Spring Liver Detox, the Right Way: Part 1

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

3 Ways to Prepare for Liver Cleansing It’s the season for spring-cleaning! For your liver, to be precise. According to various branches of Eastern Medicine (TCM, Ayurveda…) Spring season corresponds to the liver, and its accessory organ, the gallbladder. According to these traditional medical systems, we must go with the flow of nature to stay healthy and balanced. Real detoxification happens when we …

Why Chrysanthemum is the Key to Good Skin.

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

Imagine ancient, beautiful flowers that you can drink as a golden elixir and massage on your face for perfect skin. Sound too good to be true? Meet Chrysanthemum. Tiny little flower buds that have been used in Chinese Medicine for viruses, headaches, fevers, liver detoxification, respiratory problems, digestion… And most importantly… Skin. They taste like flowers should taste: aromatic and dreamy. They turn your …

5 reasons you NEED to drink green juice immediately

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

You look cool holding a green juice. But why do you REALLY need it? 5 reasons to start drinking immediately if you aren’t already. 1) If you’ve ever been in a car. Love that new car smell? You are enjoying the off-gasing of toxic chemicals in plastics, solvents, adhesives used in manufacturing. According to the Minnesota Department of Health high exposure to these VOC’s can lead …