Your New Favorite Health-Tea.

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

We know the struggle. Drinking tea is not something that appeals to everyone, no matter the health benefits. A creamy vanilla latte or a turmeric-pumpkin-spiced tonic seem much more appealing choices to start the day – even over healing morning lemon tonic sometimes  – so we often find ourselves having to compromise maximum nutrition to satisfy our taste buds. But …

5 Milk-Free Ways to Get Your Calcium

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

We all grew up hearing that milk would give us strong bones. Milk has been the staple calcium food internationally, but it’s about time we grew out of our childhood beliefs – you do not need to consume dairy to get your calcium! Relief to all the vegans out there, no need to give up this important mineral and start …

Summer Health Tips You Need to Know From Chinese Medicine

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body, Love Your Mind, Love Your Soul

  Nature teaches us about unity, working together, and flow. Natural healing systems from the east use nature as a tool for observation and assessment of the human body. When a natural energy is leading us one way, we want to follow it. To work with it, flow with it and not to obstruct it. This goes for every cycle …

3 Surprising and Simple Health Foods

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

Nutrition is a wonderful science, but also a diverse one with many different sources of contradicting research. Because of the way the society functions in relation to media and health noise, sometimes we find ourselves eating things that are healthy on paper but don’t make us feel that great. On the other hand, we may find ourselves shunning certain foods …

Why Chrysanthemum is the Key to Good Skin.

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

Imagine ancient, beautiful flowers that you can drink as a golden elixir and massage on your face for perfect skin. Sound too good to be true? Meet Chrysanthemum. Tiny little flower buds that have been used in Chinese Medicine for viruses, headaches, fevers, liver detoxification, respiratory problems, digestion… And most importantly… Skin. They taste like flowers should taste: aromatic and dreamy. They turn your …

Inflammation Nation + The Buddha’s Hand Remedy.

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body, Love Your Mind

Inflammation is a nasty thing. It’s the reason we get sick. It’s the reason we need to juice cleanse. It’s the reason we need to start treating our bodies better. We can’t avoid it passively: inflammation is the body’s unavoidable natural response to injury and external irritants (vitamin supplementation, western medications, antibiotics, vaccinations, and improper diet). Until we take action …

Why so emotional?

Love Grace Health, Love Your Mind, Love Your Soul

Our bodies and our emotions are not separate. Western culture has evolved to create a misunderstanding that the physical body and the emotional body are two totally independent systems. Slowly, Western scientists have begun to understand certain concepts that link these two, such as the discovery that the gut acts as a ‘second brain’ in the body. We know that …