Your New Favorite Health-Tea.

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

We know the struggle. Drinking tea is not something that appeals to everyone, no matter the health benefits. A creamy vanilla latte or a turmeric-pumpkin-spiced tonic seem much more appealing choices to start the day – even over healing morning lemon tonic sometimes  – so we often find ourselves having to compromise maximum nutrition to satisfy our taste buds. But …

6 Reasons to Drink Hot Tea in Summer

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

Ever visited an eastern country and noticed the locals drinking hot tea, even on boiling summer days? It looks crazy to us. But to someone who understands the human body from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, westerners are committing the most ridiculous crime of them all: drinking iced drinks. Ok, so here’s why. The stomach is a ‘yang’ organ, …

Why Chrysanthemum is the Key to Good Skin.

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

Imagine ancient, beautiful flowers that you can drink as a golden elixir and massage on your face for perfect skin. Sound too good to be true? Meet Chrysanthemum. Tiny little flower buds that have been used in Chinese Medicine for viruses, headaches, fevers, liver detoxification, respiratory problems, digestion… And most importantly… Skin. They taste like flowers should taste: aromatic and dreamy. They turn your …

Step Aside Kombucha?

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body

If you live in a major city or have been anywhere near a yoga studio, you’ll know what Kombucha is: that Japanese, fizzy, fermented, probiotic drink that doesn’t always taste as delicious as we hope, is often packed with more sugar than we need… It’s benefits are numerous however which may explain why we see people chugging down bottles all the time. …

7 Foods to Release Stress and Anxiety this Holiday Season

Love Grace Health, Love Your Body, Love Your Mind

  With shopping deadlines, endless sugary temptations and family pressures, is this really the most wonderful time of the year? When it comes to the spirit of giving and radiant, festive décor we definitely feel the holiday love, but around this time of year stress and anxiety tends to run at an all time high. Know the feeling well? Try …