It was a hot summer, and your body totally felt it! If you’re anything like us, you may have found yourself on double time this summer, active and on-the-go and fueled by the firey energy! It’s also no secret that cooler temperatures are around the corner, and our bodies are going to react a little differently. Ever gone from the …
Healing Summer Solstice Ritual
Summer may already be in full swing in your books since Memorial Day, but the sunshine season actually begins today! This solar peak is the longest day of the year, a time we’re experiencing more light, fullness and beaming energy. The perfect time for a symbolic ritual tap into this eternal vital power that nurtures and sustains life everywhere on …
3 things you didn't know about meditation (+ the 5 step practice that works!)
As we wrap up February, we’ve decided to revisit some of the intentions we set at the beginning of 2018. We began the year with a nationwide Clean Living Cleanse – *pure magic btw* where we explored a cleaner eating plan alongside some powerful soul-centered rituals. Whether or not you find yourself still following your resolutions or straying off course …
Winter Solstice Traditions: 3 step ritual to manifest your dreams
Today the Winter Solstice falls upon the Northern Hemisphere marking the first day of winter. It started the moment this part of the Earth pointed at the sun from the farthest distance it will be all year. The winter solstice is considered a turning point in the year by many cultures as this is the real solar event of the …
The real reason you NEED to get into healthy rituals this Fall
Welcome back to reality, summer lovers 💥 💕 Time to get back on the program, right?! Well, it’s not like us to impose any strict lifestyle regimes, but we’ve been feeling really called and curious this September season to go deeper into the idea of ritual. Is it really as important as we think? It turns out there may be a physiological …
Moon Magic: Full Moon Eclipse in Leo
Moon goddesses, Get ready for what may feel like one of the most powerful nights of 2017. A full moon, lunar eclipse and comet – all on one Friday night. Let’s start with the basics. Full moons are essentially an illuminating culmination… basically the finale of the month’s culmination of lunar phases. And the bright moonlight and intense yin energy …
5 ways to feel amazing right now.
We’re all about strengthening our superpowers – whether it’s using nutrition, movement or mindfulness. Here’s our top 5 fast-tracks to feeling great in a really short amount of time – because sometimes life can get in the way of that. Stop what you’re doing and take a minute to do one of the following. We guarantee you’ll feel that much …
Refining Resolutions with Co-founder Jake Mabanta
With the winter solstice behind us the sun is lingering longer and longer in the sky each day. This understanding awakens hope in human beings and we look to the coming seasons for abundance and betterment. For me Im taking this resolution season as opportunity to recommit to my values and take on new personal vows. I would say the …
Why you should never eat when you’re stressed.
There can be two food related responses to stress and upset emotions – over eating, or not eating at all. Which is healthier? Should we avoid food at all costs when unhappy to avoid binging or should we be grounding ourselves with food at emotional times?
Should You Eat for Your Blood Type?
We know by now that fad diets are not sustainable or good for us. But let’s go deeper. Could eating for your blood type be a healthy thing to do? The admirable thing about eating for your blood type is that it recognizes that not every body is created equal. Ancient medical systems like Ayurveda, Tibetan Medicine and Traditional Chinese …
How to get Fall-Ready the Right Way
Summer is coming to an end, it’s nearly back to school back to work season already. But we’re not there quite yet. We’re in the transition period. Fall is about transitions, the in-between, the not-so-clear-cut middle of things that can be so hard to understand and appreciate for us humans. The space in between things that’s frustratingly abstract yet possibly …
Your Diet Now May Be Damaging Your Grandchildren’s Genes
We know at this point our diet effects our children’s development directly but did you know it can alter the genes and development of your grandchildren too? Their genes begin to form the moment of your child’s conception. It’s a shocking truth but it just might explain why what we put into our bodies today may determine the health and biology of …
The Anti – Pollution Diet.
Any city dweller will know that pollution can have some nasty effects, even in the short run. Breakouts, coughs, thyroid issues… and it’s even more damaging in the long run. There are a lot of nasty things in our air that can cause cellular damage in our bodies by forming free radicals. Pollutants and radiation destroy the essential nutrients, making …
Summer Health Tips You Need to Know From Chinese Medicine
Nature teaches us about unity, working together, and flow. Natural healing systems from the east use nature as a tool for observation and assessment of the human body. When a natural energy is leading us one way, we want to follow it. To work with it, flow with it and not to obstruct it. This goes for every cycle …
Why You Should Be Oil Pulling
No-one likes morning breath. But there’s another reason we want to clean our teeth first thing in the morning. You know how your body detoxes and digests your day when you sleep? Imagine all those bi-products, all the waste, the bacteria…ending up on your tongue. That’s exactly what happens – so we’re going to want to disinfect our mouths before …
5 Ways To Live Clean at Home
We’re exposed to so much in today’s world. Walking around in cities we inhale polluted air. And in our homes, we’re not always so safe either. Everyday household products are loaded with hidden substances that can pose huge dangers to our hormones and neurological health! Toxins and chemicals can enter our bodies from some of the most unlikely and not-so-clean …
Should You Be Gluten Free?
Now that virtually every baked and processed good is available in gluten free form – should you too be taking the hint to ditch the gluten? There are so many misconceptions about gluten, and like every decision, we should be informed before we cut it out. Gluten is not an evil ingredient in bread and cookies, it is actually just …
4 Secrets to Make Exercise More Efficient
There’s a ton of fitness noise in the wellness industry – but there may be more to the body than fads tell us so far. It’s all too common to see people slave away at exercise routines that leave them feeling fatigues, listless, and weight fluctuating. Let’s go deeper – what can we do to make sure exercise serves to …
Are you conventional? Why your juice needs to be unconventional too.
We get it – juice can be expensive, and many people down a whole bottle in less than a minute. So why pay so much for a drink that you think is barely going to fill you? May as well just get it not organic if it’s cheaper, right? We believe if you are going to juice, do it right. You …
Does Yoga Make You a Good Person?
We LOVE yoga don’t get us wrong. We’re always interested in how deep we can go so we open up the question… Can yoga serve a purpose beyond tight abs and stress relief? Yoga has become a bit of a pop culture fad, and we see it increasingly being pulled away from its ancient vedic roots. We often associate yoga with just …
5 Ways to Start Using Your Potential
We’re aware of our strengths. We’re aware of our weaknesses. But when it comes down to it, we only tap into our strength where we find it first. I’m talking about the mind and the body. If we know we’re good with words, arguments become our weapons when we fight. If we know our left knee is stronger, that’s the …
Boundaries That’ll Keep You Open
When is it necessary to push things away? It’s a biological truth: boundaries are necessary in order for insides to remain distinct and protected from the outside. Every microscopic cell in the body has a perfectly designed boundary; a membrane that welcomes needed substances while preventing entry of damaging ones. All this intricate physiologic complexity is then enclosed by one …
Living in the Pause: Some tips for Staying Mindful body.
It’s not easy to stay mindful during the day, even if you set an intention to do so. You might feel relaxed and happy but then find yourself surrounded by stressed-out people! How do you stay mindful and light, independent of what happens throughout the day? It’s a practice. You get better over time, and it’s incredibly rewarding to see …
What’s Oxygen got to do with it?!
We need oxygen to survive, yes, but did you know oxygen is actually one of the main catalysts for energy and a healthy bodily environment? Healthy cells in the body are aerobic: like us, they need enough oxygen to function. A healthy body is one that is capable of efficient absorption and utilization of nutrients. Blood with a low oxygen …
Inflammation Nation + The Buddha’s Hand Remedy.
Inflammation is a nasty thing. It’s the reason we get sick. It’s the reason we need to juice cleanse. It’s the reason we need to start treating our bodies better. We can’t avoid it passively: inflammation is the body’s unavoidable natural response to injury and external irritants (vitamin supplementation, western medications, antibiotics, vaccinations, and improper diet). Until we take action …
Happy Year of The Monkey!
Today marks the start of The Chinese New Year of the Fire Monkey! (Monkey vibes + fire-y vibes: I think you can get a pretty good idea of how this year is going to be.) Monkey year means lots of monkey energy: 2016 will embody the good and not so good characteristics of the Monkey sign. Monkeys literally do monkey business. …
Why so emotional?
Our bodies and our emotions are not separate. Western culture has evolved to create a misunderstanding that the physical body and the emotional body are two totally independent systems. Slowly, Western scientists have begun to understand certain concepts that link these two, such as the discovery that the gut acts as a ‘second brain’ in the body. We know that …
Incurable or curable-from-within?
When something goes wrong in our body, we can feel stuck and helpless. We look at a disease or injury as some evil external force that has cripples our joy, autonomy, and competence. It’s easy to forget that, in fact, our bodies want to heal, and our cells want to be healthy again. It can seem like the body and …
Mercury is in Retrograde: Why You Shouldn’t Freak Out
We always hear of people using ‘Mercury is in retrograde’ as an explanation when something bad happens. There can be some truth to this, but a lot of the time the meaning of this cosmic occurrence is misunderstood. The planet mercury turns ‘retrograde’ toward the sun whenever it reaches 28 degrees distance a way from it: this cycle happens more often …
What I Learned in 2015: My Top 5 Lessons written by Co-Founder Jake Mabanta
Before making intentions and resolutions for the new year, take stock of the most valuable lessons you have learned in the past 365 days…
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